Jul 11Liked by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume

Thank you for this corrective view from the other side of the story. Well written, persuasive. Much appreciated!

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Thanks, Symusan! I'm so glad you liked it.

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Thank you!

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You're very welcome, Elizabeth!

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Jul 11Liked by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume

Appreciate your detailed explanation of what is invasive and what is not invasive in terms of Earth and nature instead of in terms of what humans think that they think about stuff. Which is human-centric and incorrect.

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Thanks, Aleta. Yep, the human-centric view is very limited, to say the least.

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Jul 11Liked by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume

Appreciate your "system" understanding and contrasting the number of species between the cultivated land and the edge of the reserve ...

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Thanks very much, Erik. I was indeed trying to show a bigger picture.

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I agree very much with this view.

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Thanks, Gunnar!

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Jul 11Liked by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume

even now, as many grape growers are buying land on the Oregon and Washington coasts, and even moving their operations into Canada as it grows too hot in Sonoma County to plant Pinot Noir and other varieties that need cool weather - new vineyards are still being planted here, as the world faces a GLUT of wine and California wines are faring poorly in the global competition - INSANE

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Insane indeed!!

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Take heart! I know very little about this world, but I do know this. If it’s unsustainable, it will end……😬

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yes, i agree

and will continue to observe the Folly of the Mortals


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Wonderful thoughts and conclusion!

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You are taking the meaning, real world, truth of the phrase “invasive species“ completely out of context. When it is used outside of wild lands and green spaces, it is incorrect verbiage.

There are examples where, even in marginal edges situation, you so perfectly described, and waterways. In the Midwest, that example, one of many, is the Bradford pear. It was a supposed sterile fruit. It has propagated itself throughout the water courses and marginal lands. The least we can do is stop it’s retail trade. Obviously man is responsible for all of this. That’s not something that is up for debate at least not for anyone understanding the dynamic.

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You are correct about the dynamic of agrabusiness being the culprit of habitat destruction. Far more egregious than invasive species in such an environment. I think you are misunderstanding the context of “invasive species in, but it is it a serious problem in the few wild lands and green spaces left. Not the margins of some already raped Lanscape.

80% of the water west of the dry line goes to agriculture 1/3 of that being to alfalfa. I’m thinking it’s time to grow food where it rains.

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Great view-from-the-field case study! I'm writing a series of articles overlapping with this concept.

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My first read at your substack and I like your style very much. Good information that is easy to take in. It has been apparent to me since childhood that we humans are the invasive species. Whether well intended or not, we spoil nature at an alarming rate. I remember reading Collette's observation of the forests of France being cleared for the grand chateaus and reflecting on the human march across America doing the same thing to forests and grasslands. History shows us that many parts of the far east and Africa have transitioned into dessert after man's arrival. The human species seems to be in a perpetual infancy that cannot see what it is doing. Take our current political slow motion train wreck as another example of our inability to get out of our own way. A good path is obvious, yet we stay hobbled by bad actors. No good education allowed in elementary school about what you have just written, that could open a door to reversing our horribly bad habits. To say nothing about the plans to do much worse. Still, I appreciate what you are seeing and describing in detail for anyone who is longing for our human species to grow up.

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No one is going to offer you the education needed to overthrow them.

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