The current terraforming and transhumanist agenda is driven by the military industrial complex. I wonder why folks do t want to discuss this.

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Would anyone like to discuss this current ongoing impact?

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If by transhumanism, you mean how some people want to upload human consciousness into computers, yeah that's pretty messed up. I hadn't made the link with the MIC but I would totally believe it's there given Big Tech's obsession with transhumanism, and the ever closer ties between the MIC and Big Tech.

By terraforming, do you mean terraforming of other planets? Cuz those ideas are totally whack.

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Hi. No. Neither of those which are superficial realities to what is and has been happening. I lost a longer response and will elaborate more fully if you would like that.

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The climate change narrative has shifted several times. One feature that is not considered in the general public discourse is the fact that geoengineering has been happening since the nineties. This reality (documented extensively by Clifford Carnicom) sets this kind of news in context as a coming out of sorts. Now that the climate change narrative is established in the main stream, the actual history and intention is being obscured by the save a planet from climate change narrative.

If we look at the evidence we find a very different agenda.

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Just saw that your other comment is lower on the thread.

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I got that longer response in my email re. geoengineering, etc. I have friends who focus on those issues more than me, so they're on the margin of my awareness. For example, I have a friend on the East Coast who has been working to pass regulation of plane-delivered atmospheric geoengineering activity in her state legislature. Admittedly, these issues have not been central to my own research and writing, so I don't know enough to discuss them.

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I agree with every word that you wrote. I have also been anti-war as long as I could remember. I was also thinking recently about the terrible environmental effects of war, including its murdering of all non-human species in addition to the human ones; its destruction of habitats; and its polluting the earth, water and air.

There is nothing good that comes out of war; some say war leads to peace. This is total nonesense. How about cooperation and diplomacy and peace first. Or is that not good for the war industry?

As for making a nuclear facility of any kind safe, I know a bit about that, having worked one summer as an engineering student at a nuclear plant. I want to remind readers that plutonium has a half life of 25,000 years. That means it will take 250,000 years before anything in proximity to it will be considered "safe" from radioactivity due to gamma radiation.

This is an excellent, excellent essay. You saved me the time and effort of writing one. I will restack this.

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Thanks so much, Perry! I'm glad you appreciate it.

And I didn't know that about plutonium. It's worse than I thought!

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I should make it clear that applies to Pu-239, which is the one used for nuclear or atomic weapons. They taught me well at the nuclear facility.

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Wow. Thankyou. My wife has family in Lao, who have been in the wrong place at the wrong time an lost limbs. Unreal. May peace prevail somehow. At least in our hearts.

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You're welcome. I'm so sorry to hear about her family! May peace prevail, indeed.

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Totally agree, ecological desasters of war are not often enough reported on or protested against, so it's great that you write about it.

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Wow. Thank you for informing me, that is absolutely terrifying.

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Hi Kollibri, Thanks for this. I've been collecting links to research and reporting on this distressing subject for years. I've just added your comprehensive essay to the top of the list which resides here: https://mainenaturalguard.wordpress.com

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Thanks so much, Lisa!

I enjoyed interviewing you for my podcast back in 2020. I hope you've been doing well. Glad to see the Maine Natural Guard is still on duty!

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What a damning and excellently argued piece. I remember a botanist giving a talk at one of my undergrad seminars arguing that the biggest global environmental threat wasn’t climate change but nuclear warfare. Not mutually exclusive but often overlooked.

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Thank you very much. I put a lot of work into it!

I didn't go into it here, but in my reading it was mentioned that nuclear winter would exacerbate climate change by damaging the ozone layer and increasing ocean acidification. Also, the cooling would be temporary because eventually the particulates would settle out of the atmosphere so at some point we'd be back to warming again.

I really don't like thinking about it and it was hard to read and write about it, tbh.

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I can imagine, not a fun subject to be immersed in, even if important

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Scary too

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This entire paragraph is riddled with propagandist's lies.

The US (and the UK) also sent artillery shells tipped with depleted uranium to Ukraine. “Depleted” is a misnomer; as a byproduct of the nuclear industry it is still radioactive enough to be harmful. As an environmental toxin, depleted uranium can cause cancer and birth defects, among other problems. The United States struck Fallujah, Iraq, with depleted uranium weapons and white phosphorus in the early 2000s, and results were horrific. The birth defects, like deformed limbs and skulls, or organs misplaced on the outside of the body, have been documented in gruesome photography that every US American should look at to see what our government is inflicting. The effects can be lasting.

There are no artillery shells tipped with depleted uranium. There are tank fired depleted uranium long rod kinetic energy penetrators. The Russians have been using them and they are very effective in destroying older Russian tanks.

Depleted is not a misnomer. Depleted uranium is the highly concentrated uranium-238 that is contained in the depleted tail of the uranium enrichment process. Natural uranium is 99.3% U-238 and 0.7% fissile uranium-235. Uranium fuel requires about 3% concentration U-235. The depleted tail has 99.6 to 99.8% U-238 and 0.2 to 0.4% U-235. That is what depleted uranium is. Uranium-238 is one of the least radioactive natural radioisotopes with its half-life, the Age of the Earth, 4.5 billion years. Thorium-232 is much less radioactive with its half-life of 14 billion years. In contrast, Polonium-210 is deadly radioactive with its half-life of 138 days and it was used by Russian agents to murder a former Soviet agent and then dissident Russian Alexander Litvinenko in London.

Depleted uranium is natural uranium-238 that is found everywhere on Earth and has always been there since Earth was created from the stars. It is a heavy metal and heavy metals are toxic and can cause cancers. The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Post-Conflict Branch sent three international scientific teams into the former Yugoslavia after the United States attacked some sites in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo to stop the Serbian ethnic cleansing of Muslims using the A-10 Thunderbolt II (Warthog) to strafe the targets with its 30mm cannon firing a mix of Armor Piercing Incendiary (API) and High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) rounds. Each API round contained 300 grams of depleted uranium in a pointed 95mm long 16mm diameter cylinder inside a 7mm aluminum outer shell. The medical researchers that were part of these teams found no health effects from the use of depleted uranium.

There was heavy door-to-door fighting in Fallujah in two battles. Depleted uranium was not fired by the main guns of the Marine Corps Abrams tanks in either of these two battles. Depleted uranium kinetic energy penetrator rounds are only effective against an enemy tank. The heavily dug-in and fortified jihadists within Fallujah had no tanks. Further, the Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot Fin Stabilized (APDSFS) rounds could not be used in close coordination with infantry because the sabots can kill infantry in front of and at the sides of the tanks. Lastly, the tanks were heavily utilized to blow large holes in walls and barricades. The main gun APDSFS round is 22mm in diameter and it would punch a hole about the size of an American quarter dollar in anything other than a tank. I have tried to find the actual load out records, but I have corresponded with authors of books on the battles and read reports of Marine tank company commanders. The Marine tanks carried no APDSFS rounds into battle. They simply had no room for them since they needed to completely stock up with High Explosive Anti-Tank rounds that blew holes in things.

There are lots of gruesome photos of birth defects, almost a kind of child pornography. These photos began to be used after the 1991 Gulf War and all were associated with depleted uranium. I have researched the principal book with these photos that came out after the Gulf War. The author was given photos by his Iraqi minders and an Australian news crew had the alleged child victims brought by and the report wrongly received a Walkley Award. What no one did, even though the first person was an East German doctor Siegwart Horst-Gunther who made quite a name for himself with having discovered the horrible effects of depleted uranium, but was not a pediatrician or birth defects specialist, is make an independent medical assessment and just accepted the word of the Iraqi minders. As a result, Horst-Gunther invented supposedly previously unknown birth defects that were caused by depleted uranium exposure in his book published in German, English and French "Uranium Projectiles: Severely Maimed Soldiers, Deformed Babies, Dying Children". He exhibited one of these photos in London that was posted to page 401 of the BMJ VOLUME 319 14 AUGUST 1999 and refuted by a number of readers as being a long known rare condition dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa on page 535, 28 August 1999. This, to my knowledge, is one of the few times that the medical community has stepped up and formally rebutted a claim about depleted uranium. No one other than me seems to have made any effort to even have the various photos identified with the medical condition.

Finally, every time that depleted uranium has been blamed for a congenital birth defect or other medical condition, the true medical condition and its likely true cause is never identified. That results in whatever caused this in one child being repeated until such time as the true cause is identified and corrected. The lies about depleted uranium that began in 1991 are thus still claiming lives and your article is continuing this negative trend.

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Thank you for such a great piece of writing

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No I’m not writing about those two aspects of these ongoing efforts. I’m specifically writing about the military industrial complex’s efforts via geoengineered terraforming that’s currently being documented by Many individuals and the nanotech and cross domain bacteria that are being delivered to all life on the planet via the same geoengineering, vaccines and the food supply. All this is driven by the military industrial complex. Patents and ongoing research is available.

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Apr 3
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You're welcome! I agree the topic doesn't get enough attention.

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